Saturday, September 26, 2015

Assignment 1- Intro to Media Writing

     Alfred Hitchcock's famous film The Birds, takes place in a small town outside San Francisco California. The main characters, Melanie and Mitch, find themselves in the midst of violent bird attacks all over town. From phone booths to play grounds to homes, the birds will not relinquish their hold over town citizens. As everyone goes about their daily routines in fear of the birds, the only question to answer is when will the next attack be? how many injured or killed? and how much damage will be done? As Melanie and Mitch meet up for lunch at the town's diner, they notice  across that right across the street, a segal swooping only inches from the gas station attendant's head.

        Knocking him to the ground in a state of panic and shock, the man drops the gas knozzle he was holding, leaving a trail of gasoline all over the  ground. As the puddles continue to grow, patrons of the diner notice a man lighting a cigarette only feet away from the gas spill. The people yell to him "Don't drop your match! Sir! Sir!" But unfortunately, the man doesn't hear them. Seconds later, the man drops his cigarette, and the car, as well as the man, burst into flames.

       As the trail of fire rapidly spreads, nothing stopping its path, as two more cars are obliterated. The fire continues to travel, as the entire gas station explodes. As all of this is happening, the birds are circling, multiplying as it seems, plotting their next attack . As the scene fades out, the town is in flames, and all the viewer can see is the birds hovering over the entire town, ready for their next attack and prey.